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Data on radiation levels of tap water

Products which have shipping restrictions imposed by the government are not in market circulation

Year/Month/Day Region Municipality Name of water supplier Sample location Amount of radiation (becquerel​/kg) Measuring organization Notes
Radioactive iodine Radioactive cesium
134 137 134+137
Measured values Standard value(other ages/Infants under 1 year old) Measured values Measured values Measured values Standard value(other ages)
2021-08-24 Tome Area Tome City Tome City water supply Otsunagi Water Purification Plant - 300/100 Not detectable(0.7Below) Not detectable(0.8Below) Not detectable(1.5Below) 10 基準を満たしています。
2021-08-23 Tome Area Tome City Tome City water supply Ishikoshi Water Purification Plant - 300/100 Not detectable(0.7Below) Not detectable(0.7Below) Not detectable(1.4Below) 10 基準を満たしています。
